
PPM core is installed in 3 simple steps:


Step 1: Configuring PPM core


Run the ./configure script to allow the build system to determine the correct options to compile PPM core.

It is very important to give `configure` the correct settings to make sure PPM core is compiled correctly. To find out which settings are supported type



$ ./configure --help


Following options are especially important:

  • --enable-mpi: If you will be running PPM clients on a parallel environment (a cluster) using MPI, you must specify which MPI implementation you are using. If your system is properly configured then this should be enough information for PPM core build system to find the MPI libraries and compiler wrappers needed. If this goes wrong, you may ommit this option and set compiler wrapper and libraries in `FC` and `LDFLAGS` respectively.
  • --enable-linux: Set this if you're compiling/running on a Linux system
  • --prefix: If you like to install PPM and the target directory is not the system's standard directory (`/usr/`) then you have to define this directory here. You must provide the full path. It is not necessary to install PPM. Building it and leaving it in the compilation directory is sufficient. If you provide a directory here it must already exist - it will not be created by the build system.
  • FC etc.: If you wish to not use MPI or you have to specify exactly which compiler executable should be used, then you can use this flag to set your compiler.
  • LDFLAGS: If metis was not installed in one of the system's standard library directories (e.g. `/usr/lib`) you must specify the directory to the libmetis.a file here.


Here two examples on how you could run the configure command


./configure on Linux cluster using OpenMPI (and intel compilers, wrapped)


$ ./configure --enable-mpi=openmpi LDFLAGS=-L../../metis/lib --enable-linux


./configure on Mac OS X workstation with the MacPorts gcc compilers


$ ./configure FC=gfortran-mp-4.4 LDFLAGS=-L/Users/omar/sw/metis/gcc/lib


./configure on a computer with OpenMPI installed in a non-standard location


$ ./configure --enable-mpi=openmpi FC=/opt/openmpi/1.5/bin/mpif90 LDFLAGS=-L/Users/omar/sw/metis/gcc/lib


(The CC and CXX flags are not needed)


Step 2: Compiling PPM core


If the configure process finished successfully you should see on your screen a message that the Makefile has been generated (and you can now find this Makefile in this directory).

Now you can simply run make to compile PPM core:


$ make


If you encounter problems in the compilation process (compile errors) please, first check if you have set everything correctly in your environment. If the error persists, please send us a bug-report detailing the previous steps you have performed. Also, please include the config.log file and the output of export. Finally, if yu are using MPI, please include which MPI library you are using.


Step 3: Installing PPM core (optional)


If you wish to install PPM core you can now use the `make install` command to do so:


$ make install


If the target directory is part of the system, you will most probably get a message that you have insufficient rights. If you have a root account you can use in this case the sudo command to override this security setting.


$ sudo make install


Your PPM core distribution is installed.


Compiling PPM client code against PPM core


When compiling your PPM client code you need to first include the PPM core modules:

  • in include/ relative to this directory. Check which compiler flag needs to be used to include Fortran module directories. and link against libppm.a:
  • in lib/ relative to this directory. Add -L[path to lib] -lppm to the linking command of your compilation process.


Enjoy the PPM experience!